Dmitry and I are looking into getting a wireless router for our place. There are about 7 core choices of routers you can get with varying degrees of speed and capability, some slower and some faster, obviously having to do with cost. I don’t know much about the technical specs on what to look for and what to get, but he does so we got a decent one, not too expensive, because bottom line, we are looking for a cheap deal.
I was looking at this this point of choice within our consumption, we have generated so much stuff and so many choices, all the choices that you could imagine with billions of products being reproduced yearly. The variety basically due to different price brackets that are being targeted for the most profit with the least amount put in. A lot of abuse is going on in the process usually unnoticed to keep up with the billions of choices we have each and every day with our products. Obviously, the higher the price the ‘better quality’ the product. This not always the case tho. I bought a ipod for a lot of money, and a few weeks later i dropped it and the screen broke. That is my fault, but it shows the vulnerability of the products we consume and the ‘risk’ one takes when getting expensive items, they can be made useless within a number of ways quite quickly.
The point of choice is an interesting one, but is it necessary? What is the point of choice in products, to show that some can get more then another, some can get better stuff then another. This precipitating the notion that we are separate and defined by polarity of money, those who have it and get all the cool nice stuff, and those that done that get the cheap stuff.
In an equal money system, choice will be eliminated as all products will be made to last, will be made in the best quality and function as possible, and will be available for all people. Life will also be conserved and considered within the making of these products, and not squandered within waste of resources and energy that is currently taking place here in this capitalist system to so many. Equal money will bring life to balance, products to quality within equality standards, and all will be able to enjoy everything life has to offer in the best way possible.
Support equal money system to gain the best of all worlds within the best for all beings.